NOSE JOB – With Uncle Pappy! (A Cosmetic Tutorial)
It seems as if Uncle Pappy’s gone a bit superficial. He was siting around moping all weekend long about how he is sick and tired of all you folks in Internetland making fun of his big ol’ red nose. He said that you people told him that you all is afraid of his red honker, so you know what he dun did? You know what you people made that sweet little old fart do! He went and made a special visit to that ol’ medicine man “Dr. Frangible”.
We here at Blight Productions don’t necessarily condone the actions of a paranoid old fart and his drug peddling Doctor pal, but I guess even old folks have feelings too. So please put your hands together and witness the disaster that happens when old farts go to the Doctor!
Please be sure to visit Dr. Frangible’s YouTube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/MagicBrianNYC
A special thanks to Uncle Pappy’s good friend Breadfoot for the fancy banjo pickin’ tunage. If you dig him please check out his website for more of the man with bread feet: http://www.breadfoot.com/
Don’t forget to let Uncle Pappy know what you want to learn next, down in the comments section below!
If you dig the video, leave him some comments, and subscribe to the channel.
Created, Written, Produced, Directed, Shot, Edited & Performed by
Brian A. Bernhard
Special Guest
Magic Brian as Dr. Frangible
Music by