
“ART or something like it!” is an episodic television series that streams online and aired on CUNY TV. “A.O.S.L.I” features artists of all genres, backgrounds and media – music, performance, writing, painting, photography, sculpture, film & video, and more – who share their lives and work.

“A.O.S.L.I’s” mission was to blur the creative lines between music, performance art, fine art, film and video, while promoting New York City’s independent art scene by educating and inspiring public television viewers around the globe.

“A.O.S.L.I” was seen by over 2 million television viewers in the 5 boroughs of New York City.

“ART or something like it!” was created, produced, directed, & edited by Brian A. Bernhard

Below are all the first two seasons of “ART or something like it!”

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Below are all the video extras that were created to help promote the artists that participated in the series.

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