Hey there kiddos,
In this weeks Blight Blog, Blight the Clown busts out his bad ass bebop boogie bass for the first time in comic strip format! I did a major update to the Blight Productions website. The amazing rock band, “The Qualia”, are performing their first show EVER!!! My band “THINGS OUTSIDE THE SKIN”, has a special surprise for you this Halloween! And I am still pushing for my silly Sarah Palin political comedy music video to go viral.
(Click the image for a larger version)
(Click here for the comic archive)
:::THE NEWS:::
I updated the animation and video page of the Blight Productions homepage, check it out here: http://www.blightproductions.com/2008-Blight-Productions-Website/2008-Blight-Productions-Video-and-Animation-Page.html
“The Qualia“, an amazing rock band fronted by “THINGS OUTSIDE THE SKIN” guitarist Lars Casteen and (live)keyboards by “TOTS” front man Chvad SB, are performing there very first live show together.
Saturday, October 11th @9:45
Crash Mansion
199 Bowery @ Spring, NYC
Not to overload your brains, but here is you first chance this year to catch BLIGHT THE CLOWN, LIVE!!! Performing in his ass kicking rock band “THINGS OUTSIDE THE SKIN”, this Halloween! We haven’t officially made the flier for this show yet, so stay tuned to the Blight Blog for details. Hopefully next posting will have all the info for what is going to be the best show experience of your lives!!! If you have not had a chance to hear what my band sounds like, check out the myspace page and prepare to wet yourselves: http://www.myspace.com/tots
If you have not had the chance to watch my Sarah Palin political comedy music video spoof spectacular, check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=179Hz7eVZvQ, then email the link to all your friends and post it to every blog you can think of, help me push this video to go viral!
Until next week,
Blight the Clown
(A.K.A.) Brian A. Bernhard
Blight Productions
Website: http://www.blightproductions.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BlightTheClown1
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/blightproductions
Blog: http://blightproductions.wordpress.com
Gallery: http://fudgerat.deviantart.com/gallery
Humfph…… 🙁 You never put me on your blog roll. I have ya on mine. 🙂 I check your clown out all the time too. Good luck at the show, btw. http://grouchow.wordpress.com/ Guess Who, M.