Day 19 was a pretty interesting day, I was finally able to track down the students and faculty that went on the Gobi desert trip, so that I could get them to talk about their experiences in the desert. You met them all previously, where they discussed what they thought the desert would be like. Now a couple of days after their return, they have had time to reflect on the experience:
30 Videos/30 days: CHINA DAY 19 The Gobi – Part 1
30 Videos/30 days: CHINA DAY 19 The Gobi – Part 2 “Donkey Urine”
The reason I was able to get all the Gobi desert students in one place at the same time was because their group “Sight=Site” was having an exhibition new works. After I finished with the Gobi interviews, Brendan McCarthy was kind enough to give us a tour of the show, enjoy:
30 Videos/30 days: CHINA DAY 19 The Gobi – Part 3 “The Sight=Site Exhibition”
(If you cannot see the video, copy and paste or click on this link for the original post: