
Victory or Death – With Uncle Pappy! (An Interactive Narrative)

The story continues with our “hero” Uncle Pappy alone in an alley trying to get you (the audience) to help him figure out what the sounds coming out of detective Eugene Pinkerton’s office were. You responded and voted and the winner was Breadfoot, please watch his video here:

Breadfoot told Uncle Pappy that he should run away and call the police and that just what he did. However things are never as easy as you want them to be, and Pappy troubles are just beginning.

Uncle Pappy is the current protagonist of the “Viral Sockpuppets”. An interactive story-making game played through the YouTube network. For the official game rules please click here:

Please post a response video explaining or showing Uncle Pappy & the police what happened and what they should do next, then submit it to the moderator panel on the Blight Productions YouTube channel:

If you dig the video, leave some comments, “thumbs up” the video and subscribe to the channel for the most amazing interactive narratives to ever be designed for YouTube!

Created, Produced, Written, Shot, Edited & Performed by
Brian A. Bernhard

Special guest

Music by

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