
Interesting Choice Episode 3: Gone Fishing

Welcome to the final episode of Interesting Choice: A Webseries As You Like It, a crowd-sourced narrative where the viewers decide what happens.

Due to tight deadlines, no budget, and a few other delays in production we were barely able to squeak this episode out in order to conclude the series and end the game.  The audience wanted a talking fish, a vampire attack, and to kill off little Timmy; we went through several different drafts of the script, and none of the other ideas were possible with the lack of budget.

Over the course of a few weeks we began to post new episodes, accompanied by a poll in which we then asked three questions about what should come next. After watching the videos, we asked the audience to “go to the poll on the front page of the blog at to vote for your choices and let us know what you want to see”.

New videos went up on Monday’s at 9:00 AM EST, and the polls will closed the next day, on Tuesday at noon. The rest of the week, we were hard at work making the episode the audience chose.

Interesting Choice was a group project by Brian Bernhard, Jess Haskins, and Christy Sager, graduate students in Design & Technology at Parsons the New School for Design.


Dick Fish - Zero Boy
Amanda Lowe - Mysterious Woman
Jack Walter - Jake Paque
Laura Walter - Whittney Suggs

Written by
Brian Bernhard, Jess Haskins, and Christy Sager

Directed by
Brian A. Bernhard

Videography by
Brian A. Bernhard

Edited by
Brian A. Bernhard

Produced by
Blight Productions

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  • Interesting Choice Episode 2: Remember the Fish

  • Interesting Choice Episode 1: “F” is for Fish

  • Interesting Choice Episode 2.5: The Teaser