HERE IT COMES: THE LOVE STORY – a new clown movie, a new comic strip Introducing PROFESSOR VON GOITER, and some other news.

Posted by on Jan 26, 2009 in BLIGHT PRODUCTIONS NEWS


Howdy, my little frolicking fillies,

I have been churning out the madness here at the Blight Productions Big-Top. The ass is getting kicked on my latest clown movie “THE LOVE STORY”, and I made a poster to prove it! I have also been developing a new character to bring to life in the form of a sequential art series, “PROFESSOR VON GOITER – the worlds most miserable private dick. ” So take a look down at the rest of the blog and enjoy all the new shit!


“Gotta’ keep the park clean”

It’s coming, it will soon be here….

Another clown movie from Blight Productions:

THE LOVE STORY – “Gotta’ Keep The Park Clean”

This is the first sneak peak into the live action/animated/ moving picture world of CLOWNLAND. The movie features Jef Johnson (Slava’s Snowshow and Cirque du Soleil) as both the boy clown and a hot lady clown. I am working on the movie as fast as I can, but hopefully in the next few weeks, I can upload a trailer. The clowns were photographed by Chris Borgman and the composition, backgrounds and photoshopping was done by me.



INTRODUCING: PROFESSOR VON GOITER – The worlds most miserable private dick

Here are some drawings that I am working on to develop the story of this sad little man:


Just a few notes to end on, the TOTS show last week at Otto’s Shrunken Head was amazing, I thank you all for being there. Below is a little animated gif to show you how awesome it was! Also, don’t forget that the amazing live action play that I created videos for “THE SPIN CYCLE” is still running, I saw the whole thing all the way through last Thursday and it’s brilliant!!!! Check out for more details.

Oh WAIT, in other cool news, I finally got my last clown movie, “A CLOWN CAROL” listed on the IMDB, and suprisingly a complete stranger wrote a really kick ass review of it. Check out the page here: or just read the excerpt below:

“Wow, was this a wonderful but frustrating film from Brian A. Bernhard. He came up with a marvelously absurd idea yet the film really isn’t finished–and there are no more clown movies!! The film is a very strange tale. It’s the old Dickens classic “A Christmas Carol” but with a twist. It’s performed by clowns AND it’s a murder mystery!! Seeing the clowns’ antics made me laugh and laugh (even more than when I watch chimps dressed as humans–but it’s all good) but the problems are that the film ended only part-way into the story!! It’s really NOT a complete short film but looks more like a promotional film made to secure financial backers. But, until the film is completed (and I assume they will), I am stuck waiting–and I liked it way too much to want to wait!!! Plus, at this point, it appears that this is the only clown film he made–and I honestly would LOVE to see more literary classics lampooned this way.

The film features an odd but very effective use of CGI with live action, great pantomime, screwy and hilarious dialog and lots of nice twists. And if you are reading this review, Mr. Bernhard, I want more. Not later–NOW!!! You have a lot of talent but I feel like a kid who got to peak at a huge pile of Christmas presents and then was told “you can just open them NEXT Christmas…or some time in the future”.”
Author: planktonrules from Bradenton, Florida

Blight the Clown
(A.K.A.) Brian A. Bernhard
Blight Productions

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