Blight is back in his 22nd all new Missing Adventure, Video and Pics from Blight the Clown’s latest TOTS performance, and fancy new Blight Productions T Shirts!
Greetings and salutations Earthlings, Blight the Clown is back with a real true life story in an all new full color adventure featuring, “Chvad the Thug”. Check out my latest, “H.P. Lovecraft” inspired drawing. Peruse …
ContinueBlight gets the dropsies, Special LIVE Event, New CD Release, Halloween Candy Danger, & WACKY YOUTUBE MADNESS!
Blight is coming out to play, There is gonna be a show, Chvad has some things to say, For some ROCK you will go, In this weeks fancy newfangled blogeriffic action packed spectacular, Blight the …