SAVE ME! (Response to Uncle Pappy’s REVENGE) – MADAM (EP. 10)
Dear Uncle Pappy and Internaut pals,, Help me! Help me! I think Mister Muzzle has traveled all the way to the coast of Australia to kill me! Although, I have a little bit of protection. …
Response to Uncle Pappy’s GASTRIC Murder – MADAM (EP. 09)
Hello, I am shocked. My friend Uncle Pappy’s chicken pal was eaten by a murderer named Jeremiah Muzzle! I need your help to stop him internauts! Please click the “LIKE” button on this video if …
Do You Understand Me – MADAM (EP. 08)
Hello, I am sad. No one understands me. Do you understand me? Love, MADAM Madam is a world explorer, poet and philosopher. She lives in isolation, but resides among the public. She is the only …
Time For Italian Coffee – MADAM (EP. 07)
Hello, Italian coffee smells delicious! Come hang out with me while I warm up from the cold. Love, MADAM Madam is a world explorer, poet and philosopher. She lives in isolation, but resides among the …
Smelling Snow in Pennabill – MADAM (EP. 06)
Hello, Sometimes I can smell snow.. Love, MADAM Madam is a world explorer, poet and philosopher. She lives in isolation, but resides among the public. She is the only forward thinker in a backwards world …
It’s Magic In Pennabilli – MADAM (Ep. 5)
So after spending an awesome week in New Orleans with Jessica making some awesome Madam videos, playing around & discovering the character, she had to return to home to Italy. She managed to pick up …
No One Understands Me – MADAM (Ep. 4)
In an effort to begin building some kind of emotional connection between “Madam” and the lead character of the first narrative created during “The Viral Sockpuppets” game, I decided to make an “Uncle Pappy” cross …
Strolling In The French Quarter – MADAM (Ep. 3)
Part of the development of this character for “The Viral Sockpuppets” was that we wanted to establish her presence in the YouTube community before she began to participate in the game. We wanted to make …
Poem in the Toilet – MADAM (Ep. 02)
We were still trying to figure out this character of “Madam”. When we got back on dry land from sailing around “Lake Pontchartrain” Jessica had to use the bathroom something fierce. However, a few moments …
The Sailboat – MADAM (An intro to a very backwards lady) (Ep. 01)
This is the pilot/test episode of an experimental series I created with my friend Jessica Arpin. Before I get into the episode description let me tell you a little bit about Jessica. I met her …