“WE ARE IDIOTS” the Absurd Adventures of a Spy Monkey (OFFICIAL PROMO) featuring Aitor Basauri
A totally NEW episode of A FOOL’S IDEA, featuring the incredibly funny – Aitor Basauri (joint artistic director & performer in the world famous comedic theater company Spy Monkey). Take a journey with us through the ups and downs of life in one of the most hilarious theater companies in the world!
A generous portion of the proceeds raised through our Patreon page to support Aitor’s episode of the series will be donated to The Gay & Lesbian Victory Institute at www.victoryinstitute.org.
Please share, tell your friends about the episode, help support a great cause, and introduce your world to this amazing artist! Thanks!
A FOOL’S IDEA is an independently produced large-scale documentary project exploring the lives, loves, passions, fears, inspirations and work of some of the worlds most eccentric performing artists. With over 18 short-form documentaries and 21 long-form podcast interviews and counting!
Click here for the project website: http://www.afoolsidea.com
Find “A FOOL’S IDEA” on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AFoolsIdea
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Aitor Basauri
Spy Monkey Performance Footage provided by
Toby Park
Music by
Carmela Sinco
Interview by
Brian A. Bernhard
Videography by
Brian A. Bernhard
Additional Camera Operation by
Jeremy Charles Hohn
Editing by
Brian A. Bernhard
Produced by
Blight Productions
Special Thanks To:
Anne Kugler
Spy Monkey
The Schkapf Theater